Group Homes
Over the years Corliss has provided a variety of residential opportunities for its members. We currently operate three group homes: two have female members, and one serves males. These residential programs operate 24/7, and all group home members participate in our day-program activities at the Corliss Center, located within one block of the group homes.
When at home, members are assisted by staff, as needed, to cook, clean, and otherwise take care of themselves and their homes. There is ample time for leisure-time, community-based activities each day after the Center closes and on weekends.
Independent Living
Additionally, Corliss programs include opportunities for independent living in nearby apartments or in the St. Jean’s condominium complex, which is also home to other individuals from the Warren community, including some who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. These are all within two blocks of the Center.
Some members live in their family’s homes—usually with parents or siblings. Corliss provides transportation to and from our day program, or in some cases Corliss arranges for public transport. Members living at home are eligible for all the services that Corliss provides—including community outings, health and wellness opportunities, vocational options, and social activities, etc.

Events and Activities
All members of Corliss are invited to participate in special activities beyond the scope of the typical Day Program schedule. These include holiday parties, summer cookouts, member birthday celebrations, field trips to cultural events or amusement parks, and other events sponsored by the RI deaf and hard of hearing community. An annual outing to which all members, staff and friends of Corliss are invited is the Deaf Awareness Community event held at Colt State Park in September.
Medical Support
Corliss welcomes individuals with various medical challenges. Some members manage their own medical issues or do so with the help of their legal guardian; for others, Corliss assumes responsibility for medical coordination in conjunction with the member’s Primary Care Provider (PCP) and/or other specialists. Corliss has two nurses who are on campus 40+ hours per week and provide 24/7 on-call availability. Staff are trained to administer medication and follow strict guidelines specific to each member. Corliss also provides transportation to medical appointments, including PCP, specialists, occupational or physical therapy, counseling, etc., and assists in follow-up and implementation of medical recommendations.

Day Program
Our Day Program provides opportunities for a wide array of engaging activities for our members. By providing educational programs, health-and-wellness initiatives, social events, communication development and pre-vocational activities, we are committed to enhancing the quality of life for our members. Each day our members choose from a variety of activities at the Center and in the local community of Warren, RI. These activities include art, cooking, games, or exploring local restaurants, shops, public libraries, and recreational facilities. With immediate access to the beautiful East Bay Bike Path, public beach, and Colt State Park, our members can enjoy year-round recreational activities. Our dedicated team at Corliss provides transportation for members to and from various activities, ensuring that everyone can fully engage and thrive in our inclusive and supportive environment. There is always something for everyone!